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crafting intelligence
Decision Intelligence & Cognitive AI.
Part 2. This is a continuation of the Large Language Models and Decision Intelligence article previously done. Having looked at Decision...
A professionals guide to Gen AI
Generative AI is a type of artificial intelligence technology that is capable of producing new content, which can range from text to...
What happens when the price of cognitive labour drops to almost zero?
A recent UN Agency publication has attempted to quantify the impact that Artificial intelligence will have on Global labour markets, and...
Artificial Intelligent Agents, balancing the hype, and fear.
There is much debate around where in the hype cycle we are with Artificial Intelligence, especially with the current focus on large...
The Transformative Potential of Insight Engines in the Age of Data Overload.
Without a doubt, the most requested use case for LLMs is the ability to safely query an organisation's internal knowledge base. An...
Large Language Models and Decision Intelligence
Decision intelligence (DI) is a multidisciplinary field that encompasses data science, behavioral science, social science, and managerial...
Iteratively or predictively developing AI projects
A key concept in building AI products is iteration. First you build something, then run experiments to see how it performs, and then...
What does excellence look like from an AI project manager?
Please excuse this tortured metaphor. AI / ML solutions are not silver bullets, they're more like tenuous emulsions in cooking. The data...
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